Tuesday, August 31, 2010

kids and their unwilling spirits

Tuesdays are hard days for us.  We start with Speech therapy for the baby at 730a.  and Jonah ends with Speech therapy at 4p.  And we have a great cocktail of therapies and appointments in between.  Needless to say we are pretty tuckered and Jonah doesn't get his much needed rest time.  He doesn't really nap anymore, but we require him to lay and be still for 1 hour.  But it just doesn't happen on Tuesdays. 
Well, when we took pictures last week we forgot to get pictures of the 4 kids alone together.  Which was one of the biggest things I wanted.  So our oh so kind photographer agreed to meet us tonight.  What a mistake!  the baby cried himself to sleep.  Jonah well let's just say he came home in trouble got disciplined and went right to bed.
O well, it wasn't really the memory I wanted to save but I guess we all have bad days.... my kids just all seemed to get theirs on the same day!  And at least it is a memory. 
Maybe I should go to bed to rstore energy for tomorrow.
Good Night my friends... if anyone even reads this.  It's ok if not.

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